The Cotton Mill at Nagoya, was a large brick building with a cellar
and two floors, and with a tower one storey higher, about half way from
one end of the building and at one side. The building is shown in a terribly
wrecked condition; there are not more than about half the walls standing,
and these are cracked, twisted, and half overset.
Hai sentito il terremoto? ⇥
Terremoti del passato ⇥ Great Earthquake in Japan
Great Earthquake in Japan
by J. Milne and W.K. Burton, plates by K. Ogawa. This book includes considerable photographic documentation on the October 28, 1891 earthquake which occurred in Central Japan.
Biwajima is a suburb of the city of Nagoya. It is not exaggeration to
say that the destruction was complete.
This fault, which shews a vertical displacement of 20 to 25 feet, is
clearly visible for about three quarters of a mile.
The most notable thing between Gifu and Ogaki is the railway bridge
over the Nagara-gawa, which has been totally destroied.
Near the Kisogawa Bridge the railway is twisted. The extent of motion
between the sleepers and the surrounding gravel is in many places from
5 to 6 inches.